Saturday, June 20, 2015

Women and Men, Men and Women, Part 1

I'm sure I'm going to have a lot to say about this topic so this is just part 1.  The differences between men and women always astound me.  Say what you want about equality but I say, no matter what society you live in, women have it tough.  In the modern United States of America, we women celebrate our right to study, work and climb up the career ladder.  It's great but you know what's happened?  Society has screwed us over again.  Now, (and this is the reality for a lot of women--if you're one of the lucky women who has it all great, find a happy blog and stop reading my vent) many women will find themselves in the position of doing the lion's share of household work, child-rearing, etc. while also contributing financially to the household.  AND you have to look really good, thin and young while you're doing it.  Huh?  Is this equality?

I'm all for opportunity but I think that there are biological issues at hand.  For example, I'm pregnant with twins.  It's not fun.  No matter how great a husband might be, he will never physically experience what it is like to carry another human being inside his body.  He won't give birth to that baby.  He will never breast feed that baby.  Okay, forget pregnancy--do you know what a drag having a monthly period is?  How painful it is for many women (like moi)?  Men don't have to deal with that.

I'll vent more on this later but just take a look at the double standards here: A woman who gains weight is ridiculed whereas a man who lets himself go is called having a sexy Dadbod.  Thoughts?


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